
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wonderful Wacky Writing

 I am privileged in my work and personal life to be surrounded by a multitude of highly intelligent diverse people in a range of roles and responsibilities, including education, management, sales, finance, sport, agriculture, and self employment to name but a few. I am constantly reflecting and learning after my interactions with these wonderful individuals and living the dream of being a lifelong learner. 

One particular area I am learning a lot about over the last 3 years is Pasifika Education in New Zealand from  Anthony Faitaua and Aiono Manu Faaea-Semeatu. Their passion for Pasifika Education has really rubbed off on me and led to a number of self reflections. This has led to my own growth, having a better understanding of the different cultures that are in our classrooms and schools.

What do you think of my writing, do you have any ideas of what I could do better?

Friday, May 8, 2020

Connect With Me - All About Me!

This is my Visual Blog Profile to help my audience connect with me.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Amazing Animal Collage

This is a collage I created with a focus on using images that are free to use and modify through the explore tool in Google Drawing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cybersmart -The Game

Welcome to CyberSmart: The Game. Remember, being CyberSmart means making good decisions when online or learning with your device.

Create Task 1:

For this task you need to use Voice Typing. Click on the tools menu and then select voice typing. Change the language to English (New Zealand) and then record the following text using your voice.

“Hi, my name is _________. I am a student at _______________, in _______________. I am in Year ______ and my teacher is __________.”

Highlight the recorded text and change the font colour to red. Highlight any misspelled or incorrect words in a different colour.

"Hi my name is Mark and I'm a student at New Brighton Catholic in Christchurch I am in year 5 and my teacher is Miss Holland."

Task Card 7:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019